Yorkshire North & East Ridings Freemasons

Widows Sons Peripatetic Lodge meets at Worcester

  • John Rees

 worcester meeting brethren


The peripatetic lodge which is the Widows Sons No10011 YNER held their regular meeting this time at the Masonic Hall Worcester. As always with this lodge there was a good attendance and support.

The meeting was honoured by the presence of RWBro. Robert Vaughan, PPGM of Worcester, who was elected as an honorary member of the Worcestershire Chapter of WidowsSons Biker Association. This is in recognition of his support and guidance not only for the Chapter during its formation but of the WidowsSons MBA in general.


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The lodge is very fortunate to have a steady stream of new brethren being proposed and seconded, and has seemingly tapped into a thick seam of masons with motorbike interests and given them a home to further their masonic friendship.

All credit to the founding members of the lodge, who in a relatively short period of time have driven (or should that be ridden) this concept of a masonic bikers lodge, have consecrated, and developed into the success that it is today.

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  • Images: John Rees