On 8 March 2024, W Bro Vyv Griffiths PPJGW presented a 50-year certificate to W Bro Clive Dunn PPJGW (Cheshire) at the Lodge of St Germain.
"Clive, this evening it is my great privilege and pleasure to present you with your certificate marking your 50 years’ service to freemasonry. From what I have read of your CV, it has been well earned and marks a significant milestone in your masonic journey. Before I present your certificate to you, I want to ask you a few questions, which I trust you will answer with candour! You are not obliged to say anything when questioned, but anything you do say will be taken down and entered in the Lodge Minutes! When questioned in the Second Degree, we testify that we were first prepared to be a mason in our hearts – who or what prepared you to take the first regular step?"
Clive then related his experience as a young Police Officer on the beat in Liverpool, being encouraged by his Sergeant to join the Good Companions Lodge in Cheshire, and his surprise on finding that there were many more Lodges meeting locally.
"You were Master of your Mother Lodge in Cheshire in 1983 and again in 2000, you have served as Almoner, Tyler, DC, which of those offices did you find the most rewarding?"
Clive replied by saying he had enjoyed everything he has done over the years, including 30 years as DC in his Royal Arch Chapter and his Craft Lodge. He said that one of the most important jobs in the Lodge was that of Almoner, and that the phone call or contact enquiring after a brother’s health or family member was what made the difference. Clive thanked his guests for attending and expressed his gratitude to the Brethren for making him feel welcome and the friendships he has made.
"And do you look forward to progressing at St Germain?"
Clive said that he was glad to assist the Lodge in any way he can, and although the focus should be on the progression of junior brethren, he was more than happy to step-in when asked.
"These are the usual questions; I will put others if the brethren wish me to do so!"
Clive was then presented with his certificate and lapel badge in testament to his years of dedication to the order and asked that his grateful thanks to the Provincial Grand Master and brethren of the Province of Yorkshire North & East Ridings for their kind consideration to be recorded. The brethren gave a sustained and loud response.
Pictured left to right: W Bro Vyv Griffiths, W Bro Ted Hughes, W Bro Clive Dunn, W Bro David Morton, and W Bro Jeff Bull.